Dopstart è il sito di Paolino Donato ma anche il suo Nickname su Internet. Dopstart è un consulente SEO. Si occupa di posizionamento nei motori di ricerca fin dal 1998. Dal 2010 ha collaborato con Google in qualità di TC per Google News italiano e Google Noticias per i Paesi di Lingua spagnola e dal 2018 come Product Expert vedi curriculum

Unimpresa Professioni Logo

Consultancy in the design of the Unimpresa Professioni logo. The logo, created by Digital Partner, graphically represents the requests of the customer who approved the project already in the second draft. The logo was provided in two different sizes for each use: paper, website, social network. Unimpresa Professioni has the task of representing, protecting and…

Unimpresa – National Union of Enterprises

The new website of Unimpresa, Italian National Union of Enterprises , has been published . Digital Partner has overseen the creation of the institutional website of the nationally relevant employer body and takes care of its daily updates in close contact with the management and the press office. Dopstart offers SEO and social media management services Unimpresa is recognized by the Ministry…