SEO Content Writing Service

Elevate your online presence with SEO-optimized content

Our SEO agency ‘s SEO Copywriting service is an ideal option for those who want to increase their online visibility and reach a wider audience. Our team of expert copywriters is ready to transform your website or blog into a highly positioned asset on search engines.

What is included in the SEO writing service?

Persuasive and SEO-optimized content: We create engaging texts that capture the attention of the audience and, at the same time, are optimized for search engines.

Effective Keyword Research: We analyze search trends to identify the most relevant keywords in your industry, ensuring high rankings in search results.

On-page optimization strategies: We optimize titles, tags, meta descriptions and other on-page elements to improve visibility on search engines.

Blog Posts & Web Content: We create informative and relevant articles, enriching your site with fresh and quality content.

Why choose us?

Industry expertise: our team understands various market niches, ensuring that content is relevant and accurate to your industry.

Customized approach: every project is unique. We customize our strategy to fit your specific needs and business goals.

Measurable results: we use in-depth analytics and tracking tools to assess the impact of our strategies and make updates based on the results we see.

Customer satisfaction: customer satisfaction is at the heart of our service. We work in partnership with you, ensuring your goals are met.

Choose our SEO Copywriting Service to transform your website into a powerful online resource, positioning you above the competition and reaching a wider audience. Contact us today to start optimizing your online presence! 

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO writing is a type of writing that aims to create textual content for search engine positioning.

Essentially, it involves writing content such as blog posts or landing page content that is optimized for SEO and designed to help you rank high on Google.

Textual content written with SEO writing techniques can be accompanied by one or more images and internal links or external links .

SEO copywriting and SEO strategy

SEO writing is an integral part of any self-respecting SEO strategy , particularly that branch of the strategy that aims to optimize the content of a website’s pages (on-page SEO).

As an SEO consultant I always consider the possibility of optimizing web pages over time from an SEO perspective, that is, that they can position themselves on Google with the most important keywords.

Come consulente SEO considero sempre la possibilità di ottimizzare nel tempo le pagine web in ottica SEO, che possano cioè posizionarsi su Google con le parole chiave più importanti.

Having valid content means having a site that can reach many users interested in the products and services offered and, consequently, a greater possibility of invoicing.

A search engine optimized site is a site that has pages optimized for SEO Copywriting. Link Building is not enough.

The Different Steps for Good SEO Copywriting

The first fundamental step is to understand what you want to write about.

For example, if you are trying to sell an SEO Copywriting service, as in the case of this page, you need to understand beforehand which concepts and which calls to action must be present on the page.

The first phase is a web marketing consultant job : the content is designed to try to obtain a positive action from a user – potential customer.

Concepts must be clearly identified and with them calls to action.

In the second step, an SEO consultant intervenes, who, having outlined the concepts, carries out an analysis of the keywords, search intent and search volumes.

We also conduct a specific study on the ten competitors positioned on the first page with the keywords and search phrases considered.

This analysis ends with a bouquet of search phrases and keywords that will have to be contained in the text that will be written by the SEO Copywriter.

Our SEO Copywriting Avoids Keyword Stuffing

It is not our practice to repeat certain keywords countless times to facilitate search engine positioning in the SERPs related to a certain search query.

While this technique may bring short-term benefits, in the medium and long term Google’s machine learning may lead to effects that are no longer recoverable.
Honesty in writing is the basis for results that can last over time.

The frequency of keywords is therefore predetermined within the maximum limit according to good SEO practice rules.

Our SEO Copywriting does not take into account WordPress and Co. “tags”.

Many of our competitors’ SEO copywriting experts are used to using “tags”, a kind of categories offered by various CMS such as WordPress, to fill the page with additional keywords.

We are not used to adhering to this practice which, according to our repeated tests, is counterproductive in the medium to long term, if it were not also for the simple fact that it does not bring any real benefit to reading.

Furthermore, excessive use of tags creates several duplicate pages in the website that will certainly not be evaluated favorably by Google crawlers.

How many words should a written text for SEO contain?

There is no predetermined number of words that a text can or must contain to be eligible for good organic positioning on Google.

A certain amount of words also translates into a reading time that must certainly be considered: the longer the reading time, the more difficult it is for the user to read it all in the short time of a normal use of a web page, especially from a mobile phone.

The right amount of words is decided by the SEO consultant’s analysis. The copywriter will therefore have to respect that amount of words.

For example: this article you are reading has a recommended length of at least 2184 words.

The readability of SEO content

Another element to consider is readability, defined as the “fluency of reading in relation to the linguistic structure”, or rather, the ease with which the reader understands a written text.

How is readability determined by SEO Copywriter?

There are several formulas, the most commonly used of which is the Flesch formula , a real equation that returns a readability score.

Esistono diverse formule tra cui, quella comunemente più usata è quella di Flesch, una vera e propria equazione che restituisce un punteggio di leggibilità.

There are also several tools to automatically calculate the readability of a text (in some WordPress sites the Yoast plugin is often used).

But it is good to understand that there are texts and texts, users and users. Not all texts are suitable for all users: there are informative texts, simple texts, users who have a certain education towards whom the texts are oriented.

It is therefore good to identify the audience to whom the text to be written is dedicated, the type of user who will then become a customer. It is not easy. However, experience helps a lot.

To give a concrete example : this text has a difficulty that is oriented to an audience that has at least a middle school education level or at most a first year of high school. For this type of user, this text is easy to read and fluent. It goes without saying that users who have a university education level will certainly not have greater problems.

The Tone of Voice of SEO Content

In SEO Copywriting, the “tone of voice” to be maintained throughout the text is also considered important.

With reference to the user considered, you can choose a very informal, fairly informal, neutral, fairly formal or very formal tone of voice. The tone of voice is, once again, decided by the SEO copywriter based on the results of SEO analysis.

The best SEO friendly tone of voice depends on the target users, on how they talk about your products and services.

We also talk about “text coherence”. Once a tone of voice has been defined, it is important that it is maintained consistently throughout the content. If this is not the case, users may be confused by “mixed” messages that are therefore not perfectly understandable.

The originality of SEO content

The SEO copywriter cannot copy and paste from other sources. The practice that for years has been the basis of the production of content on the web is currently strongly discouraged by Google’s algorithms.

The Mountain View search engine has had the ability for years to understand if a text is copied entirely or partially, and this could certainly undermine the important function of SEO copywriting: optimizing content for top positioning on search engines.

The originality check is therefore a further important verification step before publication by the editor.

Also for this purpose there are online subscriptions that allow you to understand in a few seconds if parts of text are copied “whole” from other web pages.
It goes without saying that if the editor finds parts of text copied, or in any case identical to parts of text present on other web pages, he immediately reports the criticality to the seo copywriter who will resolve it by rewriting the reported part of text.

It is a good idea to include internal and external links to the website within the text.

Even in this case, a good SEO copywriter knows how to define, based on the SEO analysis, both the right anchor texts and the quantity and quality of outgoing links, whether internal or external.

The value of an external link is equal to the usefulness it has for the user in guiding him to delve deeper into certain topics.

We always consider that a link means risking making a user leave the page he is reading, even if he opens a new tab.

The link, therefore, must always have the basic function of any hyperlink.

Title and subtitles

The title is certainly a fundamental element of the text that is going to be written. The SEO copywriter will have to determine the
SEO title , the right length, the presence of the right keywords in it and the way in which to follow a series of subtitles that define the various subtopics of a page.

Conversely, the SEO copywriter does not always have to deal with the definition of the meta tags within the page or the “slug”, that is, the words that must appear in the web address of the single page.

These last activities may well belong to the skills of the SEO consultant who does not necessarily have to be the same person who writes the text.

Images and alt tags

A content is not only made of text but also of videos and images.

SEO copywriting is therefore not just writing words, but interspersing them with graphic elements, images and, if possible, videos, which can enrich the user experience in reading the text.

When a copywriter inserts an image, he does so with an eye to SEO optimization: that is, he considers at least the insertion of an appropriate “alt tag”, as well as an image title and a description of the image.

The “alt“ function has existed since the dawn of HTML to help users understand what an image is before it can even load on a web page. Its function, more than understandable when 56K modems were used to connect to the internet, has not lost its function in the world of 5G.

Professional and “do it yourself” SEO copywriting

There are several online guides on how to become an SEO copywriter or simply write SEO texts.

There are also several tools defined by some as “essential” such as the famous WordPress plugin “Yoast SEO” or other similar ones.

In reality, nothing can do as much good as the twenty-year experience of an SEO Copywriter who bases himself on a rigorous analysis of Search Engine Optimization and interviews the client, thus being able to identify his real web communication needs.

It is also true that many do not consider SEO writing an important element: there are many web projects that also invest in SEO (and I speak from personal experience) that then delegate the writing of the texts to improvised and non-professional writers.

On other occasions we work alongside professional writers who know how to write emotionally and communicate effectively very well, an activity also required by the social consultant. Our support consists in providing a report based on a rigorous SEO analysis, on how many words to use, which keywords not to miss from the text, with what frequency, what type of readability to ensure, what tone of voice.

All for different languages.

Finally, a professional SEO Copywriting service has a cost that many consider high. As you will have understood, it is not just about writing a more or less long text well, but knowing how to do it with skills that go beyond writing and that must be perfectly combined with it.

Want our SEO copywriting service? Contact us