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Domain Problem Blogger Godaddy Without www

We have received several reports of problems with the Godaddy domain connected to Blogger. In this article we will see how to solve the problems between domain with www and without www on Blogger and GoDaddy in a simple and definitive way.

Table of Contents


One of the most common problems for people connecting a custom domain to Blogger through a provider like GoDaddy is whether the site will work with and without www .

Often, in fact, you notice that the site opens perfectly with www , but that typing it without www shows a parking page, often from GoDaddy . In this article we analyze why this happens, how DNS configuration works and what you need to do to solve this annoying situation once and for all.

How www and non-www work

When you purchase a custom domain (e.g. yoursite.com ) and connect it to a platform like Blogger , it is important to know that www.yoursite.com and yoursite.com are considered two separate subdomains. The first is the so-called www subdomain , while the second is the naked domain . Both must be configured separately if you want them to lead to the same website.

Many users only set up the  www subdomain  on  Blogger , leaving the  domain bare  with no clear instructions on where to point. This is why, when visiting  yoursite.com , you are redirected to the typical parking page of  GoDaddy , the domain provider.

The Role of DNS Records

To fix this, you need to work on  your domain’s DNS records  , which are the settings that tell browsers where to go when someone types in a certain address. In particular, it’s critical to add the  correct A records  to make your  domain work without www .

Blogger uses four IP addresses to manage naked domains, which must be entered into the DNS panel of the provider (in this case,  GoDaddy ). If these IPs are not present, the naked domain has nowhere to go and relies on GoDaddy’s default setting, which parks it.

Step-by-step solution on GoDaddy

1. Access your domain’s DNS management on GoDaddy

  • Go to https://godaddy.com
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on “My Domains”
  • Select the domain in question
  • Go to “DNS Management”

2. Add (or edit) A records for the “naked” domain ( tuosito.com)

You will need to add four A records with the Name = @ (which indicates the domain without www), and as Value/IP Address these:

TypeNameValue (IP)

If there are others with Name  @, delete them before entering these 4 (e.g. the ones pointing to GoDaddy or other IPs).

3. (Important) Redirect the naked domain to Blogger

  1. Go to Blogger
  2. Open your blog > go to Settings > Publishing
  3. Click on the custom domain section ( www.tuosito.com)
  4. Activate the item:
    “Redirect yoursite.com to www.yoursite.com”

4. Wait for DNS propagation

It may take from  a few minutes up to a few hours (max 24h)  to see the effect.

In the end, what happens?

Visitor types tuosito.com
→ A records take him to Blogger
→ Blogger automatically redirects towww.tuosito.com

The Importance of Redirecting on Blogger

Once you have properly configured your DNS records, it is essential to go into your Blogger settings and enable automatic redirection from your bare domain to www . This option, available in the “Publishing” section, ensures that anyone who types yoursite.com is automatically sent to www.yoursite.com , thus ensuring a consistent user experience and also improving your SEO positioning.

Without this setting, even with the correct DNS records, Blogger will not know how to handle traffic going to the non-  www domain , causing errors or unpredictable behavior.

DNS Propagation and Wait Times

Once you have made all the changes, do not expect an immediate result.  DNS changes  take time to propagate across the Internet. Typically, it can take from a few minutes to 24 hours. It is normal for the site to continue to behave strangely in the meantime. The only thing to do is to be patient and check from time to time that everything is working as expected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why does my site only work with www?
Because you have only the www subdomain configured in DNS and not the naked domain.

2. What does naked domain mean?
It is the domain without the www prefix, for example yoursite.com.

3. Where do I enter the A records for Blogger?
In your provider’s DNS panel, in this case GoDaddy.

4. What are Blogger’s A records?,,, and

5. What happens if I don’t set up a naked domain?
The domain points to the GoDaddy parking page or shows an error.

6. Should I delete other existing A records?
Yes, if there are A records pointing to other IPs, they should be removed.

7. Do I need to set up redirects on Blogger?
Absolutely, to avoid duplicate content and SEO issues.

8. How long does it take for DNS changes to take effect?
​​Up to 24 hours, but usually a few hours is enough.

9. Do I need a separate SSL certificate for my naked domain?
No, Blogger handles this automatically once it’s configured correctly.

10. Can I just use the bare domain without www?
Technically yes, but with Blogger it is recommended to always use www.

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Dopstart è il sito di Paolino Donato ma anche il suo Nickname su Internet. Dopstart è un consulente SEO. Si occupa di posizionamento nei motori di ricerca fin dal 1998. Dal 2010 ha collaborato con Google in qualità di TC per Google News italiano e Google Noticias per i Paesi di Lingua spagnola e dal 2018 come Product Expert vedi curriculum

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